Patellofemoral Syndrome

Sometimes I get clients coming into the clinic and complain about knee pain and most commonly people ask me, "Is this osteoarthiritis?". Most of the time I reply with, "Maybe?". 

A common knee issue that I see here at the clinic is Patellofemoral Syndrome which has pain in and around the knee cap. This is usually due to possibly tightness of the ligaments, tendon and muscles surrounding or inside the knee causing the patella (knee cap) to rub against the femur. Often people will experience mild swelling, a grinding/grating sensation while bending or extending the knee, pain while going up or down stairs, and in some instances reduced muscle strength.

Treatment would be to focus on reducing symptoms and finding the root cause of the problem. Some treatment options are cold laser therapy, acupuncture, and myofascial release.

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